quarta-feira, setembro 27, 2006

S� um pouquinho de m�sica francesa, pra fugir do lugar comum. Um dos maiores int�rpretes de todos os tempos.

Charles Aznavour

Vers les docks, o� le poids et l'ennui
Me courbent le dos
Ils arrivent, le ventre alourdi de fruits,
Les bateaux

Ils viennent du bout du monde
Apportant avec eux des id�es vagabondes
Aux reflets de ciel bleu, de mirages
Tra�nant un parfum poivr�
De pays inconnus
Et d'�ternels �t�s,
O� l'on vit presque nu,
Sur les plages

Moi qui n'ai connu, toute ma vie,
Que le ciel du nord
J'aimerais d�barbouiller ce gris
En virant de bord

Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre
Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles
Il me semble que la mis�re
Serait moins p�nible au soleil

Dans les bars, � la tomb�e du jour,
Avec les marins
Quand on parle de filles et d'amour,
Un verre � la main

Je perds la notion des choses
Et soudain ma pens�e m'enl�ve et me d�pose
Un merveilleux �t�, sur la gr�ve
O� je vois, tendant les bras,
L'amour qui, comme un fou, court au devant de moi
Et je me pends au cou de mon r�ve

Quand les bars ferment, et que les marins
Rejoignent leurs bords
Moi je r�ve encore jusqu'au matin,
Debout sur le port

Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre
Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles
Il me semble que la mis�re
Serait moins p�nible au soleil

Un beau jour, sur un raffiot craquant
De la coque au pont
Pour partir, je travaillerai dans
La soute � charbon

Prenant la route qui m�ne
A mes r�ves d'enfant, sur des �les lointaines,
O� rien n'est important que de vivre
O� les filles alanguies
Vous ravissent le coeur en tressant, m'a-t-on dit
De ces colliers de fleurs qui enivrent

Je fuirai, laissant l� mon pass�,
Sans aucun remords
Sans bagage et le coeur lib�r�,
En chantant tr�s fort

Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre
Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles
Il me semble que la mis�re
Serait moins p�nible au soleil

Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre
Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles
Il me semble que la mis�re
Serait moins p�nible au soleil


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segunda-feira, setembro 25, 2006

Snow Cake!!!

O filme é lindo demais, não tem como descrever, só vendo... Quem puder vá ver hoje ou amanhã, eu ainda estou em estado de êxtase...


sábado, setembro 23, 2006

Hook Again

Hook: I was dreaming, Smee, of Pan. 

Smee: Pan, Cap'n?

Hook: And in my dream,
I was a magnanimous fellow...
full of forgiveness.
I thanked Pan...
for cutting off my hand...
and for giving me
this fine hook...
for disembowelling
and ripping throats...
and other such homely uses...
as combing my hair.

Smee: So, Pan did you a favour then, Cap'n?

Hook: A favour?
He threw my hand
to a crocodile.
The beast liked it so much,
it's followed me ever since,
licking its lips
for the rest of me.
You call that a favour?

Smee: No. No. No. No.

Hook: Thank you.


Oh, Captain Hook!

"Thus Wendy first laid eyes on
the dark figure who haunted her stories.

She saw the piercing eyes
and was not afraid,

but entranced."

É necessária mais alguma explicação?!?!? Pô, até a Wendy tinha uma queda pelo Hook!


sexta-feira, setembro 22, 2006


Depois de peneirar MUITO cheguei em todos os filmes que vou ver... Aí vai a lista!

Filme data local horário código
Find Me Guilty Sexta - 22/09/2006 Estação Ipanema 2 13 IP201 remover
O ilusionista Sexta - 22/09/2006 São Luiz 3 16:30 SL002 remover
100 escovadas antes de dormir Sábado - 23/09/2006 Roxy 2 19 RX007 remover
Clerks II Sábado - 23/09/2006 São Luiz 3 14h00 SL005 remover
Um certo olhar Domingo - 24/09/2006 Espaço Unibanco 1 14:45 UN114 remover
Um certo olhar Domingo - 24/09/2006 Espaço Unibanco 1 19:15 UN116 remover
11 homens dentro do campo e fora do armário Segunda - 25/09/2006 Estação Botafogo 3 12:30 EB319 remover
Dália negra Segunda - 25/09/2006 Leblon 2 19 LB015 remover
As torres gêmeas Terça - 26/09/2006 Roxy 2 21:30 RX020 remover
Um certo olhar Terça - 26/09/2006 Estação Ipanema 1 13:15 IP121 remover
Pequena Miss Sunshine Terça - 26/09/2006 Roxy 2 19 RX019 remover
Volver Quarta - 27/09/2006 Roxy 2 19 RX023 remover
A vida secreta das palavras Quarta - 27/09/2006 Roxy 2 21:30 RX024 remover
Candy Quarta - 27/09/2006 Estação Paissandu 14 PA021 remover
A última noite Quinta - 28/09/2006 Roxy 2 21:30 RX028 remover
Fast Food Nation Quinta - 28/09/2006 Estação Ipanema 2 13 IP231 remover
The Wind that shakes the Barley Quinta - 28/09/2006 Roxy 2 19 RX027 remover
Babel Sexta - 29/09/2006 Roxy 2 14 RX029 remover
Um Bom Ano Sábado - 30/09/2006 Roxy 2 14 RX033 remover
Paris, eu te amo Sábado - 30/09/2006 Estação Botafogo 1 19:15 EB152 remover
Noel - poeta da Vila Domingo - 01/10/2006 Estação Ipanema 1 15:30 IP147 remover
Driving Lessons Domingo - 01/10/2006 Espaço Unibanco 2 24 UN260 remover
Infância roubada Segunda - 02/10/2006 Estação Paissandu 14 PA041 remover
The Night Listener Segunda - 02/10/2006 Estação Botafogo 1 16:30 EB163 remover
Fonte da vida Terça - 03/10/2006 Roxy 2 14 RX045 remover
The Wicker Man Terça - 03/10/2006 Roxy 2 21:30 RX048 remover
A educação das fadas Quarta - 04/10/2006 São Luiz 3 14 SL049 remover
Quando eu era cantor Quarta - 04/10/2006 Espaço Unibanco 2 17:30 UN275 remover
Os infiltrados Quinta - 05/10/2006 Palácio 1 18 PL141 remover
Gabrielle Quinta - 05/10/2006 Estação Ipanema 2 15:15 IP267 remover


domingo, setembro 17, 2006

As Melhores de House nº 1

Vou colocar algumas das melhores tiradas do House por aqui, essa é a primeira parte.

Episódio Piloto

Humanity is overrated.

House: Far as I know she maybe running an meth lab out on her basement.
Dr. Foreman: She's a kindergarden teacher.
House: And if I was a kindergarden student I would trust her implicitly.

Dr. Cuddy: I was expecting you in my office 20 minutes ago.
House: That's odd, because I had no intentions of being in your office 20 minutes ago.

Oxygen is so important during those pre-pubescent years, don't you think?

You're comparing me to a Nazi? (admiringly) Nice . . .

House: Your wife is having an affair.
Orange-Colored Patient: What??
House: You're orange, you moron! It's one thing for you not to notice, but your wife hasn't picked up on the fact that her husband has changed colors. She's just not paying attention. Oh, by the way, do you consume just ridiculous amounts of carrots and mega-dose vitamins? The carrots turn you yellow, the niacin turns you red. Get a set of fingerpaints and figure it out.

Orange-Colored Patien:: What are those?
House: Painkillers.
Orange-Colored Patient: Oh, for you, for your leg.
House: No, because they're yummy.

What would you prefer - a doctor who holds your hand while you die or who ignores you while you get better?

Episódio 1

Dr. Chase: It doesn't necessarily have to be that bad. If we exclude the night terrors it could be something systemic: his liver, kidneys, something outside the brain.
House: Yes, feel free to exclude any symptom if it makes your job easier.

Dan's Mother: How can you just sit there?
House: If I eat standing up, I spill.

House: Another reason I don't like meeting patients. If they don't know what you look like, they can't yell at you.

Cuddy: How's your hooker doing?
House: How sweet of you to ask. Funny story - she was going to be a hospital administrator, but she hated having to screw people like that.

Funsten: You've caused me considerable mental stress.
House: I certainly hope so.

House: Could we get off my screw-ups and focus on their's? Theirs is bigger.

House: It'd be like "The Boy Who Sued Wolf." You know, I bet we have a doctor here named ‘Wolf'. How perfect would that be – I think I'll page him.

Dr. Cameron: What about sex?
House: Well, it could get complicated. We work together, I'm older, but if you go for that kind of thing . . .
Dr. Cameron: I meant syphilis.
House: (winks) Nice cover.

House: Dr. Cuddy. Nice outfit.
Cuddy: What are you doing back here? Patient?
House: No, hooker. Went to my office instead of my home.

House: Who cares about McPhearson? I heard he tortures kittens.
Dr. Foreman: McDonald.
House: Oh, McDonald. Wonderful doctor - loves kittens.

Dr. Foreman: He probably just moved. Nobody stays perfectly still for their MRI.
House: Yeah, he probably got restless and shifted one hemisphere of his brain to a more comfortable position.

House: (Chase) knew that I saw something on the MRI, so he figured that I saw something and took a guess. Clever . . . but pathetic.

House: You hound me for my opinion and then you condemn my diagnosis. Cool.

House: When did my signature become so girly...?

House: Perseverance does not equal worthiness. Next time you want to get my attention, wear something fun. Low-riding jeans are hot.


terça-feira, setembro 05, 2006

The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser - Book V Canto II stanza 39

Um lindo poema pra vocês...

Of things unseene how canst thou deeme aright,
Then answered the righteous Artegall ,
Sith thou misdeem'st so much of things in sight?
What though the sea with waues continuall
Doe eate the earth, it is no more at all:
Ne is the earth the lesse, or loseth ought,
For whatsoeuer from one place doth fall,
Is with the tide unto an other brought:
For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.


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