Bye, Bye!
Instantly one hundred answers came to my head, but none of them convinced me enough.
I always felt completly out of place in everything I do... In school I was like this, so I burried myself in books, museums, trips, fantasy and family. My family are the only people that I know will never let me down, I can't thrust no one else, but I keep throwing myself into shitty friendships that will come to nothing but hurt and pain. I do have two or tree friends that I thrust and they didn't let me down when I needed them most, that's why I thrust them. Sometimes I "forget" about them, 'cause I'm so sure that they'll always be there for me that I negligect them for new friendships. I lose my time running after people that think I'm nothing but a pain in the ass and they only stick around because they think I can give something to them. You see, I am a pain in the ass sometimes, but those 3 friends of mine know how to put me in my place, they know when is the time to slap me in the face and say "Hey, come back to earth freak!" and when to let me spread my wins and fly to the moon.
Finally I came to one conclusion... I will close this blog for sometime and think about everything that is happening with my life. April (or july *I know cutie, I'll explain to you*)I'll go to NY and maybe stick around for some time, take a look at the drama schools, a job and some place to live, maybe I can stay at my relatives, but that's not what I want. Anyway... Bye, Bye Folks!