segunda-feira, fevereiro 27, 2006

Bye, Bye!

Just other day I caught myself thinking "Why do I have a blog?"
Instantly one hundred answers came to my head, but none of them convinced me enough.
I always felt completly out of place in everything I do... In school I was like this, so I burried myself in books, museums, trips, fantasy and family. My family are the only people that I know will never let me down, I can't thrust no one else, but I keep throwing myself into shitty friendships that will come to nothing but hurt and pain. I do have two or tree friends that I thrust and they didn't let me down when I needed them most, that's why I thrust them. Sometimes I "forget" about them, 'cause I'm so sure that they'll always be there for me that I negligect them for new friendships. I lose my time running after people that think I'm nothing but a pain in the ass and they only stick around because they think I can give something to them. You see, I am a pain in the ass sometimes, but those 3 friends of mine know how to put me in my place, they know when is the time to slap me in the face and say "Hey, come back to earth freak!" and when to let me spread my wins and fly to the moon.
Finally I came to one conclusion... I will close this blog for sometime and think about everything that is happening with my life. April (or july *I know cutie, I'll explain to you*)I'll go to NY and maybe stick around for some time, take a look at the drama schools, a job and some place to live, maybe I can stay at my relatives, but that's not what I want. Anyway... Bye, Bye Folks!


sexta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2006


OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

I'm crying and I'm desperate!!! Yeasterday I received an e-mail about DH.

"Hey dear, since the second season started in your country I'm going to tell you one thing... George will die! Yeah, that's it, Bree is going to kill me, I mean, George... Well, not exactly Bree, but you'll see, I'm not going to spoil it for you."

And the mail goes on and on about other things... I can't believe this!!! My fav character is going to die!!! He was the reason I started to see DH and now he's going to die!!! I WANT TO DIE TOO!!! (Drama Queen)


Desperate Housewives!!!

OMG!!! Has anyone been seeing DH?!?!?!?!? Right, the second season started last week here in Brazil, so...

When I first saw DH I was like "What does people see in this?!?!? It's boring!!! I mean, isn't that supposed to be a comedy?!?!? Well, I don't see too much comedy in this... Look at this, crazy people living in the suburb (like that's any news), where's the fun?!?!?"
Right, when you read this it may sound like it was fun, but it wasn't, until... Well, until all started to become confuse... Affairs with pharmacists or/and murders, old ladies being bitches (very unlikely to a serie to show this), a "slut" sleeping with all the "good" husbands... So I thought "That could be interesting..." And I became addicted!!! Now the second season started and I'm all like "OMG! She's going to date him and assume him to everybody! OMG! They broke up! OMG! They have a prisioner hidden in the house!" And things like that.

So, what's interesting about DH?!?
I still don't know, maybe it is funny, maybe it's different or maybe, just maybe, it is a demonstration af how low the human being can go and how WE enjoy to see it... But garanteed that the crap it's not ending on our backyards.


terça-feira, fevereiro 21, 2006

"I solemnly swear..."

Alright cutie, this post is only for you. So... Let's get it over with! Just kidding, just kidding!

The man you all see in the pic is Roger Bart. He's an excellent actor and the cutiest person I ever met. Many of you may know him from the serie Desperate Housewives, where he plays the role of George Williams, a menacing pharmacist that is in love and trying to seduce Bree Van De Kamp. He's also starring a new Mel Brook's movie, The Producers, where he plays the role of Carmen Ghia a lovely gay guy. Well I think that's it!


PS: Is that enough?!?!? And you still owe me one!
I didn't know wich pic I should use!!! You are as cute as hell as Leo Bloom, but you know what I think about that, don't you?!? When I saw this pic I knew it had to be it... So heeeeeere's Carmen! lol
"- Hasn't anybody ever told you?!? Is bad luck to say "good luck" on openning night!"

segunda-feira, fevereiro 20, 2006

Sei lá...

Que eu não sou normal, isso eu já sabia. Que eu tenho gostos um tanto quanto excêntricos, isso eu também já sabia, mas de repente, do nada, eu começar a achar casais gays (homens) a coisa mais fofa do mundo, isso sim é novidade! Fui ver Brokeback Mountain e achei a história de amor mais linda que já vi na vida, vejo Os Produtores e não consigo parar de pensar que o Max e o Leo deveriam ficar juntos e que a Ulla é uma pedra no caminho, ainda no mesmo filme eu acho o Carmen e o Roger PERFEITOS, vejo o Matthew Broderick com o Nathan Lane e acho que a Sarah J. Parker só tá empatando a vida dos dois, é ÓBVIO (no meu ponto de vista perturbado e conturbado) que o Matthew tá caidinho pelo Nathan e a recíproca é verdadeira. Tudo isso deve ter uma explicação, Freud têm que saber de alguma coisa!!! Alguém consegue me conectar diretamente com ele?!? Ah, esqueci também de mencionar as fanfics fofinhas que eu ando lendo, todas de casais gays! Minha mãe não acha isso normal, óbviamente... Aliás, nem eu acho. Enfim, foi só um desabafo.


PS: Hey everybody from other places of the world (mainly US), I just speaked of how cute gay couples are... lol.
Oh, and Roger, You owe me one! lol. ;-)
I promisse next time my post will be all about you, but you have to agree with me at one point... Nathan came first!!! hahahahaha
Don't worry, april is comming and we'll finally meet... Are you nervous??? 'Cause I am... :-P
I like you for who you are, don't doubt this not even one minute! I liked you before knowing anything about you, I liked you when you were just a weird screen name, and nothing has changed, even if I know you're name.
"- Do you think I'm fat?!?
- Yeah, you're fat...
- How dare you say this to my face?!?!?
- I'm not saying to your face, I'm saying to your computer!
- :-P
- Fatty, Fatty, Fat! Fatso!
- You're crazy... You know that, right?!?
- Yeah... That's what my shrink keep saying to me..."
And don't you dare respond me here, we have our private chat! You promissed me you will come online during the week... I'll be waiting! Don't let me down, for your own sake! O:-)

terça-feira, fevereiro 14, 2006

Brokeback - The Musical

Ontem eu fui ver Brokeback Mountain, achei uma das histórias de amor mais lindas que eu já vi... Mas, como não poderia deixar de ser, todo mundo anda tirando sarro do filme. Essa é uma música que o Natha Lane compôs só para brincar com o filme (o que o ócio não faz, né?!? hehehehe) Ele cantou e interpretou essa música no Tonight Show with David Letterman, se alguém quiser o vídeo é só me avisar que eu colocarei no Com vocês...


There’s a couple of guys in the meadow
Baring the supple thighs in the meadow
Don’t ask and don’t tell, or the sheriff, or course,
Will round up those boys and hang them like a horse”

GAY COWBOY #1: “Hung like a horse?”

It’s risky to be a gay cowpoke
There’s no ‘coming out’ around here
Men never got frisky on Gunsmoke
Please keep in mind I ain’t queer”

NATHAN: (tune of “Oklahoma”)
“Broooooooke-back Mountain
Where those jolly ranchers disappeared
In the tent to sleep, after driving sheep
When the fire went out, then things got weird”

“Broooooooke-back Mountain
It’s enough to make me change my mind
Loosen my bootstraps, and drop my chaps. . .
And decide to quit while I’m behind.”

NATHAN: (tune of “New York, New York”)
“Start spreading . . . . No, I’m not even gonna go there. . .

GAY COWBOY #1 (tune of “You’re the Top)
”You’re the top . . .

“You’re the chaw that I chew . . .

“You’re the top . . .

“I wish I could quit you . . .
You’re a rodeo queen, in denim jeans and shirt
You’re an Indian Chief, you’re John Wayne’s briefs, you’re such a flirt,

You adorn every horse you straddle
You’re the horn on a bareback saddle
You’re a strapping hunk of man with mutton chops
And if baby, I’m the bottom, you’re the top!

NATHAN AND COWBOYS (tune of “Oklahoma”)

“So let me say, O!
My gosh I think I’m gay
I guess I’m saying,
‘I’m busting out, Brokeback MountainBrokeback Mountain,
I’m S-O-G-A-Y, so gay, Brokeback Mountain!

segunda-feira, fevereiro 13, 2006

I Could Have Danced All Night

I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things
I've never done before.
I'll never know
What made it so exciting;
Why all at once
My heart took flight.
I only know when he
Began to dance with me
I could have danced,
danced, danced all night!

sábado, fevereiro 11, 2006

You're just in love - Irving Berlin

A música é do Irvin Berlin, mas as falas entre parênteses são por pura conta e risco dos atores... (a maioria delas do Nathan)

I hear singing and there's no one there
(Sally: Ham, Ham)
I smell blossoms and the trees are bare
(Sally: There's medication for that)
All day long I seem to walk on air
(Sally: Ham, Ham)
I wonder why
(Sally: Me too)
I wonder why

I keep tossing in my sleep at night
(Sally: How that's made you feel?)
And what's more I've lost my appetite
(Sally: Not me)
Stars that used to twinkle in the skies
Are twinkling in my eyes
I wonder why
(Kenneth: Help me out!)

You don't need analyzing
It is not so surprising
That you feel very strange but nice
(Sally: That doesn't help me out!)
Your heart goes pitter patter
I know just what's the matter
Because I've been there once or twice

Put your head on my shoulder
You need someone who's older
A rubdown with a velvet glove
There is nothing you can take
To relieve that pleasant ache
You're not sick
You're just in love"

quinta-feira, fevereiro 09, 2006

Hino do meu colégio

"Nós somos os meninos de São Patrício,
Promessas somos de um belo porvir,
Não pouparemos forças nem sacrifícios,
Para um dia a pátria felizes servir.

Hoje meninos, homens amanhã,
Seremos dignos da pátria louçã.

De São Patrício a voz serena,
Teremos pela vida a nos guiar,
Sejamos sempre fiéis ao nosso lema,
A vitória é dos que sabem lutar.

Hoje meninos, homens amanhã
Seremos dignos da pátria louçã."

O Externato de São Patrício era mais que um colégio pra mim, era a minha casa. Lá eu aprendi a tudo que me serve até hoje, lá eu tive educação com a que eu tinha em casa... Não era um colégio que se preocupava apenas em ensinar as matérias básicas, como os colégios de hoje, eles ensinavam matérias da vida, educavam como uma mãe educa em filho, com firmeza e amor. Nunca vou me esquecer dos momentos especicais que passei, das pessoas maravilhosas que conheci e principalmente dos professores e funcionérios que mudaram a minha vida. Tia Zélia, Tia Aninha, Tia Marilda, Tia Maria Elisa, Tia Silvinha, Tia Patrícia, Tia Aparecida, Tia Alete, Tia Kátia, Vera Lúcia, Carlucho, Francy, Rose, Vicente, Fábio, Nazaré, Conceição, Luiz, João e tantas outras pessoas que não me lembro agora. Sempre fui uma pessoa muito difícil, desde pequena, e eles me entendiam, me ajudaram... Nunca fui muito popular com os alunos, mas sempre me dei bem com os professores, amava cada um deles, claro que uns mais do que outros, mas todos tinham um lugar especial no meu coração... Chega, já chorei o suficiente pra uma noite só. Nem sempre essas sessões nostalgia fazem bem.


segunda-feira, fevereiro 06, 2006

Suburbano Coração - Chico BUarque

"-Quem vem lá
Que horas são
Isso não são horas, que horas são
É você, é o ladrão
Isso não são horas, que horas são
Quem vem lá
Blim blem blão
Isso não são horas, que horas são

A casa está bonitaA dona está demais
A última visita
Quanto tempo faz
Balançam os cabides
Lustres se acenderão
O amor vai pôr os pés
No conjugado coração

Será que o amor se sente em casa
Vai sentar no chão
Será que vai deixar cair
A brasa no tapete coração

Quando aumentar a fita
As línguas vão falar
Que a dona tem visita
E nunca vai casar
Se enroscam persianas
Louças se partirão
O amor está tocando
O suburbano coração

Será que o amor não tem programa
Ou ama com paixão
Mulher virando no sofá
Sofá virando cama coração

O amor já vai embora
Ou perde a condução
Será que não repara
A desarrumação

Que tanta cerimônia
Se a dona já não tem
Vergonha do seu coração"